Ever since 1983 the ODS cooperative has been running training courses, starting from Diction and Acting and ending with Dubbing. The Dubbing course is articulated in 700 hours distributed over 3 years; it is organized in three levels: Basic - Intermediate and Advanced.
All our teachers are working in the field and have many years of experience in training and teaching.
Our school's strong points:
- The members of our cooperative, who work every day in the business of entertainment and dubbing, are able to transmit to the students not only the techniques and exercises to achieve the goals, but also the field practice experience of this job.
- Our courses are always supervised by a reference teacher (in charge of the course), next to whom other professionals operate following a common didactic line. This teaching method offers the students the opportunity to learn different approaches related to the personality and the subject of each actor/filmmaker/director/teacher.
- In ODS all the students have the opportunity to attend our dubbing sessions and, once they have achieved an adequate level of preparation, they are also involved in professional productions.
- This is undoubtedly a great opportunity because, in addition to acquiring concrete experience, it offers the chance to create a curriculum made of "real experiences", thus increasing opportunities to find a job in other companies too.

The ODS dubbing course is unique in Italy. According to the initial competence of the student, it is structured on three levels and organized in modules that provide insight into all the professional aspects that concern the work of the voice actor. We also use the Lectron system; it is an electronic device that simulates virtually both the recording studio and the dubbing studio; this tool is provided free of charge to our students and allows them to practice even when they are at home.
three-year Course

The diction course consists in teaching the correct pronunciation of the Italian language through study of grammatical rules (Orthoepia) and improvement of the exposition technique (articulation, voice strengthening, respiration, tones, pauses, volumes, and voice expression).
One-year course

This course is aimed at those who want to approach the profession of dialogue adaptor.
The adaptor is who rewrites the dialogues of the scripts that have to be dubbed, adapting them to lip movement.
The lessons include one hour and a half of theory (in classroom) and three hours of practice per week (in recording studio).
Practice will take place together with the students of the dubbing course, who will use the adaptations prepared by the students of this course; this will allow to check their improvement.
One year course

ODS Junior
The course lasts three-year and is numerus clausus, starting from the second and third year.
Children are eligible after taking part to the free seminar "The Voices Game"
Three-year course

Purposes of the courses: to provide the student with the first technical notions related to the correct phonation and articulation of sound.
To provide the student knowledge of the phonation system and the aptitude to preserve it.
One year course

Training course aimed both to companies and individuals wishing to become effective communicators, knowing how to manage and involve both an audience and a group of interlocutors.